Introduction Crime Prevention Workplace Violence Bomb Threat Civil Disturbance Earthquake Elevator Malfunction Emergency Contacts Emergency Response Team Evacuation Fire and Smoke Flooding Homeland Security Medical Emergency Pandemic Preparedness Power Failure Severe Weather/Tornado Toxic Hazards
Chapter Overview
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Emergency Response Team: This section outlines the emergency procedures for the emergency response team.

Evacuation: This section provides important instructions should a building evacuation become necessary.

Fire and Smoke: This section provides information in the event fire and/or smoke should be encountered at 180 North LaSalle Street.

Flooding: This section provides important instruction on how to handle flooding at 180 North LaSalle Street.

Homeland Security: This section provides links to helpful information regarding homeland security preparedness.

Medical Emergency: This section provides instructions on what actions to take if there is a medical emergency.

Pandemic Preparedness: This section provides helpful information regarding pandemic preparedness.

Power Failure: This section provides information on what will happen should a power failure occur at 180 North LaSalle Street.

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